
11.00 GMT-5 – ore 17.00 CET New York, on Sunday, December 18 at 5 p.m. Italian time (11 a.m. U.S.) a faithful copy of the icon of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Bronx will be donated and posted in Our Lady of Pilerio Church as a memory and affective reference for all Calabrians settled in New York.

The association

What do we do?

The social promotion association 8centoCosenza was born from the desire of its founding members to contribute their wealth of skills, experience and relationships to the design and implementation of a plan for the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the Cathedral of Cosenza.


The celebrations were the beginning of a process that has the territory, in a collaborative and integrated way, rediscovering its depths, its cultural landscape in history.


To reknit the threads of a narrative that, from the Cathedral starts and becomes a relationship that helps to form a solid foundation suitable for the design and planning of future actions.


8centoCosenza has promoted collaborative initiatives and protocols with the University of Calabria, the Stanislao Giacomantonio Conservatory of Music, the Ministry of Culture, the State Archives of Cosenza, the Deputazione di Storia Patria della Calabria, the Cosenza che vive Cultural Laboratory, and the Accademia del Magliocco. the Artistic High School and the Itis Mancini.


cultural design-social animation


Affirmation of the values of democracy by improving the moral conditions of citizens through culture, respecting the historical and educational roots


Enhancement of resources and talents in the younger generation


Become a member of the association

The activities carried out by the 8centoCosenza Association, look with particular interest at cultural design and social animation, sharing spaces of freedom where to imagine, with the community, new contexts.
Do you want to be part of it?

Let's stay in touch

If you have questions or curiosity, please fill out the form and contact us